February 7, 2017

The internet is interesting, but also dark and full of terrors. Children are particularly vulnerable to the dark side of the web, where criminals lurk to exploit and use them. But it isn’t just the general internet like Google search children should be wary of – cyberbullying on social media is prolific and has been linked to numerous suicides.

If that sounds far-fetched or exaggerated, we assure you it isn’t. The internet is a genuinely dangerous place for children. The trouble is, nearly every child has a smartphone or tablet these days, with these devices being something of a rite of passage. This gives a child access to instant information and the tools they need to develop a virtual social circle. Hence, the importance of Safer Internet Day.

Safer Internet Day

Safer Internet Day is a global internet awareness day for children and young people that takes place on the second Tuesday in February each year. In 2019, it fell on February the 5th, and in 2020 it will fall on February the 11th. The point of safer internet day is to promote safe internet use in young people. It also serves as a reminder for adults to be mindful of the content and apps their children use and to be aware of the dangers their children face.


Educators can have a lot of fun with Safer Internet Day with films, lesson plans and assemblies that focus on the internet. Any age group can participate, but the earlier safe internet is introduced, the better.


Parents should talk to their children about the internet and discuss the importance of speaking up if they see something wrong. Families might also like to create a family internet safety plan as an interesting exercise. 

What should be discussed on Safer Internet Day?

Safer Internet Day is an opportunity to discuss how children can use the internet safely, what they shouldn’t do on the internet, and how to protect themselves from harm. Parents should also clue themselves up on the signs that their children are at risk of harm from things like cyberbullying and unrestricted chat forums.

How you can support Safer Internet Day

  • Register as a supporter. It only takes a few minutes and you will join over 2,000 organisations who share their own experiences.
  • Tweet and share the day. Make sure you tweet about Safer Internet Day and share it with your friends on Facebook.
  • Use Safer Internet’s education packs. These can be downloaded by educators and parents to create fun and interactive exercises.

Every day should be a safe internet day

The most important takeaway from Safer Internet Day is that every day should be a safe internet day. Children are always at risk of harm online, so best practice should always be followed by children and parents alike. This comes down to education, which is why Safer Internet Day and others like it are so important.

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