Whenever you delete a file including but not limited to : (Document, Picture, Music file) using Windows, Linux, or another Operating System (OS), the OS does not actually remove the file, it will only delete some reference/link to the system table to where that file is stored.

The OS marks the sectors containing the data as unused. The OS will write over these so-called unused sectors in the future. However, if anybody were to run a File Recovery utility program, you can recover data from these sectors if it hasn’t already been overwritten or thoroughly erased. Hardware recovery tools may even restore overwritten files by analyzing latent magnetic traces.

We offer two services one for Home users and one for business users outlined below.

computer upgrade


Secure Data Erasing
We use special software to securely erase all data on your Computers, Laptops, Server hard drives, mobile devices, USB stick memory and other media, and we use a method that meets government data sanitation standards which is suitable for the likes of Home and Small Home Office users.

This service is great for Home & Small Home office users that don’t require auditable and verifiable assurance that all data was sanitized.

The service can be provided on your premises or off-site at our base. If required, we can collect items and deliver them back to you (subject to your location and additional cost applies) securely erased and ready for use, sale or destruction.

If you do have highly sensitive information and auditable and verifiable assurance that all data was sanitized please see our Business Secure Data Erasing Service

We can recover data from the following:

  • PCs, Laptops, iMacs, Hard Drives (Internal and External Hard drives).
  • For Flash (USB) Drives, Memory Cards.



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